26 nov.

If you’re going to put an end to an early-season death spiral, may as well do it in equally dramatic fashion.

“It was a really stressful game because it was a tight game,” explains Kelsy Rebelo, reliving the tense moments of the 2-1 victory over pre-season champs Olympiques F95. “The only way we surpassed them was by giving our 100 per cent on the field and by pressuring them to make mistakes.”

While the win halts Prime’s early-season losing streak at three games, Rebelo knows it’s going to be a very long winter of familiarization and a slow climb out of the FA Division cellar – starting with a game against top dog Lakeshore this weekend.

POTG: Aimee Legault kicked off her winter season in fine fashion with the game winner for Prime – her first off the season.

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