Fc gomorra
28 Aug

Like the Napolitano crime syndicate from which their team name is drawn, FC GOMORRA cannot be stopped by chopping off the head, or wiping out any one component.

“I’m not surprised by (any one) single player but by the overall,” explains Gianluca Palombo, a capo who’s managed to turn a disparate mix of talent – young and old, from Laval back to the shores of the old country – into a successful soccer enterprise with ever-expanding ambitions. “I thought we needed more time to get to know each other well. But we managed to become a real team in a short time. The desire to win never fails and we play until the last moment in every game.”

Since dropping its season opener and then settling for two draws in four starts, FC GOMORRA has gone on an eight-game winning rampage. They now have a stranglehold on the C4 Division with just a few games to go before the real fireworks begin.

That being said, the former Italcanadese crew continues to hold bitter memories of the playoffs, winless as they were in six attempts. It’s something Palombo is well aware of.

“The championship is one thing, the playoffs another,” he says, insisting teams like ACFC1 and Furda Boyz still give him slight pause. “But with a little experience and time the results are coming. I’m so proud of all my boys.”

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