10 juil.

Much like the unique burrowing Sub-Saharan mammal after which the team is named, the Aaardvarks are still around precisely because they’ve managed to embrace their apparent shortcomings.

“We’ve come to grips with the fact that we’re not going to blow teams out of the water, since we’ve never really had a natural striker,” explains captain Michael Napolitano – his words delivered fittingly, one might say, in the wake of a 5-4 heartbreaker to fourth seed Brazil, the first loss of their first summer season. “But we make up for it in ways that few teams can match.”

And yet, what the team lacks in explosive goal scoring they more than make up for with airtight defense and good old-fashioned “grinta” (determination), which explains its stubbornly solid footing in the C5A Division.

“First and foremost, we’re a group of friends who’ve known each other for years, and we feel this really gives us an advantage, considering how well we know each other’s distinct personalities. We’re looking forward to making a long run at the championship this year. We feel like we’re on the verge of a major breakout season.”

POTG: “Our goalie Mike Del Vecchio, who will eventually miss a lot of time with knee surgery, has been absolutely dominant and has single-handedly kept us in games.”

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