06 août

Anticipating their biggest game yet, the official strategy line out of the Suicide Squad camp was to match offensive fire with the Tough Mothers.

That strategy seems to have blown up in their face, as the undefeated FC Division leaders mercilessly bludgeoned Suicide Squad 9-2, taking advantage of their opponent’s inability to finish their own scoring chances and opening up an unsightly 15-point lead over them in the process.

While FC Fire and the FC Diamonds both kept pace with victories of their own, the fact remains that the nine-point gap currently separating the Tough Mothers from the title race doesn’t seem ready to shrink any time soon.

POTG: “Our goalie Victoria Taddeo is our MVP because she saves shots that are more precise and stronger than most of the shots we take,” explained Suicide Squad’s Sara Casola. “She handles corner kicks intelligently and always communicates, which helps the rest of the team get their bearings.”

Have a good soccer story to share this summer? Write me at robert_scalia@hotmail.com or tweet me @gracebythegun