Rdpeters ply
12 Sep

Get a bunch of Peters from RDP with a slight Man United bent together and the following just might happen.

“Glory Glory RDPeeeters” chants Joey Carvelli following a huge 9-5 win over fellow C2 Division contenders FC Pure this week. “Although they’re a great team we aren’t really afraid of them. We know we are the better team and probably in the top five of Totalcampo.”

While it’s true that the regular season has been in the bag for the last couple of weeks now, there are stats to temper Carvelli’s late-season exuberance. After all, three different teams – FC Pure included – have managed to beat the RDPeters at some point this summer, which might explain why teammate Matthew Delli Colli prefers to tow the more cautious line.

“We like to stay focused as a team and take things as they come. This is probably not the last time the two of us will square off against each other.”

POTG: Both players felt compelled to mention second-year keeper Anthony Maurati for another all-star performance, as well as Head Coach Mike Mercadante for keeping the troops motivated for a possible repeat finale.

Have a good soccer story to share with the league? Write me at robert_scalia@hotmail.com or tweet me @gracebythegun